North America

Alumni World Map

Find out how many alumnae and alumni live on the North American continent.

From Alaska to Panama, from Virginia to California: See where our North American alumni come from. 

Move the mouse over the map to get to know more about the number of our alumni in a particular country. You can switch continents through the menu on the top right.

1000-7999 alumni 500-999 alumni 200-499 alumni 100-199 alumni 50-99 alumni 10-49 alumni < 10 alumni

For a worldwide overview to the distribution of our alumnae and alumni, please take a look at the entire world map.

To the alumni world map

Stay in touch

Would you like to meet alumnae and alumni near you? There are regular alumni meetings where you can establish contacts. Feel free to contact us if you want to be part of the next alumni meeting.

Once a month, the "Alumni Global Hour" takes place to give you the opportunity to meet fellow alumae and alumni around the world, and maybe even quite close to you. Please have a look at the alumni event calendar oder subscribe for the alumni newsletter to learn more about current information and events. 

Do you want to organize an alumni meeting with former fellow students? You can find out more on our page "Alumni meeting". Or would you like to contact your former fellow students? The team of the Office of Alumni Relations will help you. 


Impressions from alumni meetings

First USA alumni meeting of the University of Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart's first networking meeting with alumni and alumnae in the USA took place in San Francisco in early October 2022. The goal of the DAAD-funded project was to give alumnae and alumni from the University of Stuttgart the opportunity to network in the USA, at a national and regional level and to ensure that the optimum conditions exist for sustainable cooperation. On behalf of the University of Stuttgart, Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel; Senior Advisor International Affairs Dr. Wolfgang Holtkamp; Vanessa Misirloglou, Head of the Office of Alumni Relations; and Lea Eyassu representing the Alumni Office; together with Sibylle Langer, Program Coordinator for North and Latin America at the International Office all attended the meeting.

Flashback: Christmas in Mexiko

Alumna Kristy Peña brings to you a delicious recipe for a traditional Mexican fruit punch. Enjoy! 

Kristy Peña with her family during the Christmas dinner.
Kristy Peña with her family during the Christmas dinner 2019

To the article by Kristy Peña [PDF]


Vanessa Misirloglou


Representative Director of Alumni Relations


Alumni Team

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24C, 70174 Stuttgart

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