University personalities

Many famous personalities from the fields of science and economy are alumnae or alumni of the University of Stuttgart.

The University of Stuttgart hosts or has hosted many important personalities. These personalities are pioneers in their perspective fields, hold important public offices or have reasonable career prospects.

Celebrities from science and society

Many great minds have done research and taught at the University of Stuttgart, leaving indelible marks on their disciplines and their society. On this page, we introduce a select few of these many outstanding personalities.

To the celebrities from science and society

Alumni in dialogue

Are you particularly interested in alumnae and alumni of the alumni network of the University of Stuttgart? If so, please take a look at "Alumni in dialogue". Get a deeper insight into their life paths and careers through various articles.

Get to know selected alumnae and alumni


Vanessa Misirloglou


Representative Director of Alumni Relations


Alumni Team

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24C, 70174 Stuttgart

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